TXIK TXAK who are we?

What is TXIK TXAK?

To make it easier to get around, TXIK TXAK now offers unlimited travel throughout the Basque Country and the southern Landes region.

Want to leave the car behind for a while? Let’s adopt some new habits and use the new TXIK TXAK public transport service to get around from day to day!

Less costly

With TXIK TXAK, at last you have a way to reduce your transport expenses thanks to a range of solidarity fares that are open to all. From 4 July, a wide choice of routes will take you all over the region, from as little as €0.96 a journey, whatever the distance and even with transfers on a single journey!

Kinder to the environment 

We love and care for our region. By opting for the TXIK TXAK public transport network, we are choosing to take action for the common good and make progress together!

More straightforward 

With a single ticket, TXIK TXAK gives you access to a range of destinations throughout the Basque Country and the southern Landes region. Wherever you are coming from and wherever you are going, there is bound to be a TXIK TXAK stop nearby!

More time to take it all in! 

No more wasting time on car journeys! With TXIK TXAK, you can finish writing that email or watching that series, just sit back and relax, or chat while you are on the road. Let us take you where you want to go, when you want, with complete peace of mind.




What does "TXIK TXAK" mean?

“TXIK TXAK” is an expression used by “pelotaris”, i.e. players of the Basque game pelota.

It is onomatopoeic and refers to the sound the ball makes when it hits the ground, bounces off a wall, and hits the ground again.

The TXIK TXAK brand was born out of the desire of the Syndicat des Mobilités Pays Basque Adour to simplify access to sustainable mobility in our region for everyone by bringing together all the region’s transport networks (formerly Chronoplus, Hegobus, Car Express and Proxibus) in a single offer. 

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